Monday 8 September 2008

Framing Technique Can Be Used As A Public Relations Strategy In Cases Of Sexual Assault

� In Spring 2006, when leash White Duke University lacrosse players were charged with raping a Black female student from nearby North Carolina Central University, Duke University officials framed the crisis in terms of institutional reputation rather than the rapine issue at hand.

In a new study published in the journal Communication, Culture & Critique, Barbara Barnett of Kansas University reports on her qualitative textual analysis of public relations materials published by Duke from March 24, 2006 through June 18, 2007.

Allowing for the examination of emphasis and meaning, Barnett's analysis revealed that the University carefully crafted its response to allegations of rape, presenting itself as a voice of

Friday 29 August 2008

Key Allergy Gene Discovered By Munich Researchers

�Together with colleagues from the Department of Dermatology and Allergy and the Center for Allergy and Environment (ZAUM) of the Technische Universitat Munchen, scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen let pinpointed a major cistron for supersensitive diseases. The gene was localized victimisation cutting edge technologies for examining the whole human genome at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen.

Schematic representation of the heights affinity receptor for IgE. Variants inside the gene encoding the alpha chain are associated with increased levels of IgE antibodies

The newly discovered FCER1A gene encodes the alpha chain of highschool affinity IgE receptor, which plays a major character in controlling allergic responses. The team of scientists led by Dr. Stephan Weidinger from the Technische Universit�t M�nchen and Dr. Thomas Illig from the Helmholtz Zentrum M�nchen institute that sure variations of the FCER1A gene decisively influence the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. IgE antibodies are a particular type of antibody that is normally used to protect against parasites. In Western lifestyle countries with less contact, yet, elevated IgE levels ar associated with allergic disorders.

In genetically susceptible individuals the immune system becomes slanted and produces IgE antibodies against harmless agents such as pollen, dust mites or animal hair. These IgE antibodies then work in conjunction with sure cells to get rid of the allergens, a process that gives rise to the symptoms of allergy such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), atopic dermatitis or asthma.

"Most people with allergies are atopic - meaning they possess a genetic tendency to develop allergies. To find the hereditary factors we examined the genomes of more than 10,000 adults and children from the whole of Germany" explained Stephan Weidinger.

Most of the persons examined for the study come from the population studies of the KORA (co-operative wellness research in the Augsburg region) inquiry platform, which is light-emitting diode by Prof. Dr. H.-Erich Wichmann, the Director of the Institute of Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Zentrum M�nchen. The allergological examinations were carried by the Department for Dermatology and Allergy of the Technische Universit�t M�nchen headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Ring.

Although in its former stages, the new noesis on the regulation of IgE production does have the potentiality to template the ontogenesis of fresh drugs.


Weidinger S, Gieger C, Rodriguez E, Baurecht H, Mempel M, et al. (2008) Genome-Wide Scan on Total Serum IgE Levels Identifies FCER1A as Novel Susceptibility Locus. PLoS Genet 4(8): e1000166. interior Department: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000166

Source: Heinz Joerg Haury

Helmholtz Zentrum M�nchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health

More info

Saturday 9 August 2008

Panta Rhei

Panta Rhei   
Artist: Panta Rhei

   New Age



   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 17

Rainbow dancers   
 Rainbow dancers

Tracks: 12

Radujnaia Tancovshica   
 Radujnaia Tancovshica

Tracks: 12

Panta Rhei   
 Panta Rhei

Tracks: 14


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Actor finds a new "Virtuality"

Fans of the canceled "New Amsterdam" won't have to look far to find star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Coster-Waldau is sticking with Fox, taking a lead role in the network's two-hour sci-fi pilot "Virtuality."

"Virtuality" focuses on the 12-member crew of Phaeton, a starship that leaves Earth on a 10-year exploratory mission. The ship has been equipped with state-of-the-art virtual-reality modules that let the crew escape their constrained surroundings. When things start going wrong with the virtual reality, actual reality gets extra-complicated as well.

Previously announced stars for the pilot include James D'Arcy, Kerry Bishé, Jimmi Simpson, Joy Bryant, Sienna Guillory, Nelson Lee, Omar Metwally and Richie Coster.

See Also

Hidria Spacefolk

Hidria Spacefolk   
Artist: Hidria Spacefolk



Live Eleven A.M.   
 Live Eleven A.M.

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 8

Violently Hippy Rmxs   
 Violently Hippy Rmxs

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 9


Hillary's Mass Hotel Exodus

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton won't have to worry about gettin' the munchies -- because her Rocky Mountain High is officially burnt out.

Sources tell TMZ Hill and Co. had blocked out hundreds of Mile High City hotel rooms for staffers and supporters during the Democratic Convention in August -- looks like they won't be needing those anymore! So the campaign has sent emails to politicos, charity organizers and supporters expressing their desperate need to dump their reservations.

Hill should ask her hubby -- we're thinkin' Slick Willy could definitely find a way to keep a few of 'em occupied.

No response from Hill's camp.

See Also

The Brave

The Brave   
Artist: The Brave

New Age


Moroccan Spirit   
 Moroccan Spirit

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12