Tuesday 1 July 2008

Crazy Drunk Cher Fan a Little Too Overzealous

Don't you know you can't touch the Cher! An overzealous fan got a little too close for Miss Thing's comfort early this morning in Nashville, and cops took him down.

Cops say 36-year-old Calvin Houghland was drinking a bit too much last night at some place called "The World Famous Tootsies Orchid Lounge" when he started harassing Cher and at one point, tried grabbing the 62-year-old diva.

That's when cops kicked Houghland out of Tootsies, telling him to get lost. He was arrested around 1:00 AM after he kept going back to the club. He's been charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct, and is currently cooling his heels in the slammer awaiting release on $3,000 bond.

See Also