Tuesday 1 July 2008

Kid Rock Refuses To Sell His Albums Via iTunes

Kid Rock is refusing to sell his albums via iTunes as he claims the download service does not pay the artists enough revenue.

"Back in the day, we all know the stories of the Otis Redding's and Chuck Berry's and Fats Domino's who never got paid," Rock told the BBC. "The internet was an opportunity for everyone to be treated fairly, for the consumer to get a fair price, for the artist to be paid fairly, for the record companies to make some money."

Kid Rock also admitted that by refusing the download store his music, he is losing nearly 20% of album sales but he is standing up for musicians. "I will be on iTunes eventually because I can't avoid it, but I like to always stick to my guns and prove a point and do something original and because I believe in it."

"I've just sold a million records, I'm not really feeling that blow," he added.

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